How does space syntax help explain the relationship between the built environment and human behaviour?

The qualitative and quantitative analyses allow us to explore how a building layout impacts on the way people use the building, with regard to movement as well as interaction between users or the different types of users. It comprises several models as follows:

1. Movement model
a. Qualitative analysis
Space syntax use this to make a visual comparison between visual integration pattern (A) and movement patterns (B). For example, the two patterns shown in Fig. A and B strongly resemble each other, though not perfectly.

b. Quantitative analysis
Space syntax uses statistical analysis to correlate observed movement rates and the visual integration values within a building. This is then used to predict movement if the layout is altered or re-organised. In the case of the Tate Britain, nearly 70% movement rates can be predicted by the visual integration pattern.

See the tutorial for further information.

2. Other models
The interaction models, genotype model and intelligibility model and others are also applied to the building studies. For detail,  please see references.